Fishpond 604x90

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Line wrap problem for emacs with ecb

It has hassled me for a long time that when using emacs, some times after some action, the line can't wrap around as usual, and I can't reverse back. Today, I finally decided to solve it. After some tedious commenting out and removing comments in the .emacs file, I noticed that it is ecb which causes the problem. Thus I went to ecb's homepage and read the FAQ. The solution is right there, which says "Check the variable truncate-partial-width-windows and set it to nil". What a relieve it is.


Anonymous said...

And I've benefited from your work.

Anonymous said...

That is handy!


Anonymous said...

Thanks! The problem was so annoying that I was about to stop using ecb :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you!
A quick google search revealed all I need to know :)

Seriously, who could possibly guess that it's truncate-partial-width-windows ...