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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

I just finished a best selling novel The Da Vinci Code. I didn't read through it, but listened the audiobook version. I had spent several days on it. The story is fantastic, and I learned more about Christianity. As I had said before, I'm an atheist. But I always feel that religion is an interesting topic. There are some truths lie in the documentary of the gods, and to find out the real story of a deified human is interesting. Jesus is just one example. He is a human being for sure, a great political or religious leader. However, because he was treated as a god, worshiped by many people, his real life story was forgotten. The Da Vinci Code gives some explanation for that. I'm not sure how much is true in the novel, but it is a good, fascinating novel. I have some trouble to interpret the final secret, maybe I should read it again sometime later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looking forward to watch the movie